About CREACTIVE for Climate Justice

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Rehearsal at the Ilse-Löwenstein-Schule (2017)                                                     Photo: CREACTIV

Since 2015 the KinderKulturKarawane runs the educational project “CREACTIV for climate justice” which focuses on the causes and consequences of global climate change and asks for a fundamental change of values, consumption and production in the industrialized countries. Its aims at motivating young people to fight for active protection of nature, ecological resources and global justice. Each year two young artistic groups from the Global South are invited to the project. For one week they work together with various classes of secondary schools in Hamburg. Together the young people develop artistic performances and creative actions on climate justice and present them in their school and their community.

Schedule of the project

Highlight of the year are the one-week visits of the partner groups to “their” schools in spring. During the other time, the participating youth deal with the topics of climate change and climate justice in their classes and groups.
The main constituting elements of the project are:

  • Lessons and interactive workshops about climate change and global justice in the schools with special focus on Germany and the partner countries
  • The elaboration of ideas and concepts for activities how each person can stand up for more climate justice
  • Production of creative media (posters, videos, texts) for public relations work by the young students
  • A week-long encounter with a group of young artists which culminates in the joint development and public presentation of a creative performance or street action on climate justice
  • A joint commitment of the young people from Hamburg and their partner group about future activities for more climate justice
  • Implementation of “climate actions” in the school and communities
Videos (In German)
CREACTIV 2022: Tiempos Nuevos Teatro - El Salvador
CREACTIV 2020: Arena y Esteras - Für das Recht auf ein Lächeln
CREACTIV 2016: The Dreamcatchers aus Indien in Hamburg
CREACTIV 2018: Arena y Esteras aus Peru in Hamburg
CREACTIV 2016: Das KCC aus Tansania in Hamburg
Laudatio von Sven Plöger für "CREACTIV für Klimagerechtigkeit"
Der Treibhauseffekt: Erklärvideo der Klasse 7e der Ilse-Löwenstein-Schule (2018).
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Recognizing global relationships

Through the exchange with young people from the Global North and South, the subject of climate justice can be experienced personally and directly: the otherwise rather „abstract“ topic of global climate change and its consequences are given faces and voices. The students are learning about what global warming can do to the lives of people in different parts of the world and how justice is related to it. The students tell each other about their experiences, discuss about their responsibilities and possibilities and develop ideas on how to become actively and creatively engaged for the promotion of climate justice.

Peer-to-Peer: learning on equal terms

In a direct dialogue, the young participants expand their knowledge about the causes and effects of global climate change and recognize their personal parts in it. They work self-determined and autonomously (peer-to-peer) together so that both sides have the opportunity to learn from each other very directly and in their own way.

Discovering new talents

Through CREACTIV the young ones learn that they can make a difference with their activities and that it DOES matter what they do. Through creative methods such as dance, theatre, music and acrobatics they experience self-efficacy and are encouraged to assume social responsibility. Thus they acquire competences with which they can contribute to societal transformation processes in the long term.

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"I have learned to be more confident and open-minded. Even if you feel you can accomplish nothing or you are embarrassed by it. I have also learned a lot about climate change."

Student, 10th grade
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"I was not aware of a lot of things … The project has motivated me a lot to take action against climate change. Now I pay more attention to how I use plastic bags."

Student, 10th grade
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"I have learned to be braver and more open and that it is possible to communicate without speaking the same language."

Student, 8th grade
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Institutional framework of the project

Responsible for the managment of CREACTIV is the Hamburg Office for Cultural and Media Projects gGmbH. CREACTIV is supported by the Hamburger Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung, the North German Foundation for Environment and Development (Norddeutsche Stiftung für Umwelt und Entwicklung / NUE). the Bürgerstiftung Hamburg, the Concordia Stiftung, the NKG Hanseatische Natur- und Umweltinitiative, the Heidehof Stiftung and the Protestant Church Development Service (Evangelischer Kirchlicher Entwickungsdienst).

Every year, up to ten secondary schools may participate in the project. CREACTIV offers special opportunities for them to integrate the topic of climate justice and sustainability into their school life and teaching curriculum. Thus they can improve and complete their  profiles on cultural, climatic or/and environmental topics and promote their activities in public. The Curriculum Framework “Education for Sustainable Development” which also includes the KinderKulturKarawane as a model project, offers a comprehensive frame of reference and many suggestions for teaching.

CREACTIV  is based on the Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by 193 UN member states in September 2015. Its main goal is to end poverty and hunger, to protect ecosystems, to stop climate change, to increase global equity, and to promote sustainable development – up to 2030. For our CREACTIV project, SDG 13 („Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts„) is of particular importance.


CREACTIVE for climate justice (Flyer, englisch)
CREACTIVO para la justícia climática (Flyer, spanisch)